David F. Hendrix, Ed.D Teacher Grant

For years, Dave was an educational advocate for the children of our community, as well as a mentor for many teachers and administrators. Dave’s life was spent working for the good of schools and he served 44 years in many educational settings. He was known to many as a Superintendent, a mentor, director of Connect, as a professor and we especially remember his work with the Board of Directors of the Education Foundation. Dave served on the Teacher Grant Committee and enjoyed handing out the checks to those who received grant funds. His educational background and attention to detail helped to make the Teacher Grant Committee what it is today. We remember his legacy with the “David F. Hendrix, Ed.D Endowment" established in 2008.
Since this endowment was established, 14 grants have been given in David Hendrix's name totaling $14,045.70 benefitting 1,303 students.