Fred and Ann Dean Endowment

Fred Dean is one of the most reliable volunteers you will ever meet, and his wife Ann was often volunteering right beside him, for which we have been most appreciative. He and Ann have been strong supporters of the Teacher Grant program, helping to support this important piece of the Foundation’s work. Fred was always one of the first to volunteer for the Community Fair and the Great Friends Luncheon. He’s sorted t-shirts, books for children, and set up numerous events. He was awarded the Key to Our Success Award in 2018 for his contributions to the Foundation. As a retired radiologist, Fred spent his working career at Memorial and Elkhart Hospitals, after earning his degrees from Northwestern University and Baylor University. Ann is a South Bend Alumna and taught at Adams High School early in her career. She was also heavily involved with the Snite Art Museum on Notre Dame's campus. The Dean's have three children, Rick, Julie and Emily and they greatly enjoy their six grandchildren.
Since this endowment was established, 5 grants have been given in the Dean's name totaling $7,044.81 benefitting 1,527 students.